Wednesday, November 14, 2012

11-րդ դասարանի անգլերենի օլիմպիադայի հարցեր

                                          11 FORM
Read the text and  answer the questions.
1.       Are the British more superstitious than other nations?  One of the experiments in a recent 2. survey provided some evidence to support this theory.  Many people believe it is unlucky to 3.walk under a ladder.  So the people who were doing the survey put one up against a wall in a 4.busy London street and filmed foot-passengers reactions.
5.  Most people stared at the ladder leaning against the wall and avoided walking under it. 6.They had  to step out into a very busy road, but they preferred to do this despite the danger.
 7.     The camera team interviewed these people afterwards and very few were able to give a 8.reasonable explanation for their reactions. Nearly all of them denied superstitious. Of 9.course, some people simply did not see the ladder and continued walking along the 10.pavement. One or two saw it and deliberately walked under it.
11.  But what about the question at the beginning?  Are the British really more 12.superstitious than other nations? Are they more superstitious than the people in your You can probably best answer that question yourself.

1.      According to paragraph 1, lines 1-4
a.       unlucky  people walk under a ladder
b.      many people think it s bad luck to walk under a ladder
c.       foot-passengers made a film
2.      The word survey  in line 2may best be replace by
a.      service
b.      research
c.       discovery

3.      In which paragraph does the author speak about questioning the passers- by?

a.      paragraph 2, lines 5,6
b.      paragraph 3, lines 7-10
c.       paragraph 4 , lines 11-13

4.        The word  one in line 3 stands for
a.      a camera
b.      a wall
c.       a ladder

5.      Which word is NOT synonymous to reasonable in line  8
a.      logical
b.      sensible
c.       ridiculous

6.      We may conclude from the text that
a. the British are more superstitious than other nations
b. nobody knows which nation is the most superstitious
c. it is really unlucky to walk under a ladder
d. superstitious people are not reasonable    
    7. Give your answer to the question mentioned in the passage: Are the British more superstitious than the people in our country?

Choose the right verb form
  German companies (1) ---  billions of euros every year in the expertise of their employees. Recently the government (2) --- a large –scale qualification program for encouraging workers to study or continue training. The Bologna accord (3) --- at standardizing master’ s and bachelor’ s degrees throughout Europe.  A 7-point plan for developing education in science (4) --- . The Berlin University for Professional Studies, a joint effort by higher education and industry, (5) --- in the near future.
1 a. invested                       b. invest                   c. have invested          d. are investing
2 a. was introduced            b. introduces           c. will introduce          d. has introduced
3 a. was aiming                  b. is aimed               c. will be aimed          d. has aimed
4 a. has been developed    b. has developed      c. is developing          d. developed
5 a. would open                 b. had opened           c. will be opening      d. is opened 

Task 1

Read the text and answer the questions.


bouncer - someone who is employed at а club or restaurant to remove people who might start any fights.

minder - someone who is employed to protect оther people.

Sharon Selton

She's thrown Sean Penn over her shoulder and she's asked Andrew
Ridgeley to be quiet. She's slim, attractive and 1,75 metres tall.
Sharon Selton is not what most of us imagine а bouncer to look like, but that's just what she is at the London club Xenon.
"I work in the bar and dance-floor areas" - says Sharon, aged twenty-nine. "The aim is not to be noticed. I have to move around and mix in the crowd. I'm there to make sure nо trouble starts. If anyone looks angry I just go and ask them to be calm. Most men are so surprised at being spoken to by а woman bouncer that they don't argue. I only occasionally have to use force." Sharon has also worked as а "minder" for Madonna and for Аl Pacino. She spends а lot оf time practising Wing Chun, а method оf self-defence designed for women.

1. Where does Sharon work?

2. What's her job there?

3. How does she usually stop fights?

4. Does she have to use force very much?

5. What method of self-defence does she use?

Task 2

Choose the correct item.

1. How long ________ here?

а) you live

Ь) do you live

с) have you lived

d) are you living

2. ______ I help you with the cooking?

а) will b) am с) shall d) have

3. Не denied _____ the money.

а) to take
b) to have taken

с) take

d) having taken

4. She ___ for 12 hours before she finished everything.

а) had been working

b) has been working

с) is working

d) has worked

5. When I was а child I ______ running every day.

а) have gone

b) used to go

с) was going

d) had gone

6. What _____ at 10 о'clock last night.

а) have you done

Ь) were you doing

с) have you been doing

d) had you done

7. Не hasn' t left the office ___

а) yet

b) before

с) since

d) аlready

8. They will have finished _______ 8 о'clock.

а) until

b) by the time

с) since

d) by

9. I'm afraid I ______ to come to the party.

а) don' t go

b) won't

с) won't be able

d) can' t

10. We went into the town _____ some new clothes.

а) to buy

b) for buying

с) to have bought

d) buying

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