Wednesday, November 14, 2012

8-րդ դասարանի անգլերենի օլիմպիադայի հարցեր

 8-րդ դասարանի անգլերենի օլիմպիադայի հարցեր

1. Ընտրել ճիշտ պատասխանը

Choose the right answer.

      Elizabeth Hall, Shakespeare's granddaughter, was the last in his direct line. She was born in 1608 and married Thomas Nash, whose house stands next door to the foundations of New Place. When Dr. John, her father, died in 1635, the couple moved into New Place with Susanna who was an only child in the family. They were in residence at the time of Queen Henrietta Maria's visit.                                                                                                                      As the man in the family, Thomas Nash willed the property to his cousin. But when he died in 1647         Elizabeth and Susanna contested the will and won.                                                                                                                                                                                                      Elizabeth then married John, later Sir John Barnard, and moved to his estate in Northampton shire. Before she died in 1667 she ordered to offer New Place to her husband's first cousin Edward Nash, for sale. But he did not buy it.

1. Who died in 1647?                                                                                                                                        a)Elizabeth Hall                b)Thomas Nash      c)Dr. John

2. Who was Edward Nash?

a) Elizabeth's husband       b) the son of Elizabeth and Thomas       c)the cousin of Thomas

3. New Place formerly belonged to

a) Elizabeth's grandfather           b) Elizabeth's father         c) Elizabeth's husband

4. Where did Elizabeth live after her marriage to Sir John Barnard?

a) in her husband's house                                                                                                                                                     b)in her first husband's estate                                                                                                                                 c)in New Place

5. What was the last will of Elizabeth Hall?                                                                                                                                                     a)to pass New Place to her son                                                                                                                                                       b)to pass New Place to Edward Nash                                                                                                                                                                         c)to sell New Place to Edward Nash


2. a) Գրել հոմանիշները                                                                                                                                                              Write the synonyms.

The biggest,  to visit, city, to hear, famous.

b) Գրել հականիշները                                                                                                                             Write the antonyms.                                                                                                                                   Big, far, famous, to destroy, bright.


3.Ընտրել ճիշտ տարբերակը                                                                                                                                                                          Choose the right word                                                                                                                            1.Her house is on…River Thames                                                                                                                        a)in            b)the         c)-                                                                                                                                   2.My aunt lived on…ground floor

a) a    b)the   c)-

3. Who…you to play  the guitar, Fred?

a)taught  b)studied  c)learnt

4. Take…you want

a) whatever  b)wherever  c)however

5. She got up … her seat.

a) of  b)from  c)out of


4.Ընտրել ճիշտ ժամանակաձևը

   Choose the write tense.

1. When we (entered, had entered) the room he (reads, was reading) a letter.

2. He (loves, loved) her so much that he decided to merry her though his parents (are, were) against it.

3. There (has been, is) no doubt that he (knows, knew) the truth.

4. Jimmy(was travelling, travels) about Canada when you (needed, has needed) his help.

5. I (do not understand, understood) why he (has changed, is changing) his surname.


5.Գրել տրված բառերի հոգնակին

   Write plural of the given words.

Tooth, man, lady, baby, loaf, day, girl, church, street, city.


6.Թարգմանել հետևյալ բառերը

   Translate the following words.

Official, residence, mountain, island, to be washed by, to choose, royal, to promise, to belong, robber.


7.Գրել, թե տվյալ բառը նախադասության մեջ ածական է,թե դերբայ

    Write if the given word in the sentence is adjective or adverb.

1. The train was fast.

2. She gave the right answer.

3. This is the wrong way.

4. The work is hard.

5. They worked hard.


8.Կազմել նախադասություններ տրված բառերով

    Make up sentences with the given words.

Raven, to enjoy, to visit, huge, high.


9.Ընտրել ճիշտ տարբերակը

   Choose the right answer.

1. People who work on a ship or plane                       a. crew

2. Things which you buy                                              b. lifeboat

3. Rough weather with wind and rain                       c. storm

4. A boat for saving people in danger at sea               d. tourist

5. Person who visits places for interest                       e. goods


10.Թարգմանել անգլերեն                                                                                                                                             Translate into English

1.Նրանք ուշադիր նայում էին հեռավոր ափին:      

2.Բրիտանիան բաղկացած է 3 մասից:

3.Մի քանի րոպե նա չխոսեց:

4.Այդ օրվանից նա է Ֆրանսիայի թագավորը:

5.Ես արդեն խոսել եմ մայրիկիս հետ Աննայի մասին:

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